Understanding Self-Sabotage: Working Through It

Working Through Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is a shared experience, with many behaviors unique to each individual and their experiences. Use the examples below to explore how you might be self-sabotaging.

·       Perfectionism

·       Giving up responsibility

·       Denial of self-care

·       Burning out in hustle

·       Culture

·       Self-created stress

·       Addiction to drama

·       Staying attached to mistakes

·       Ineffective processes or routines

·       Lack of resourcefulness

·       Self-criticism

·       Self-deprecating humor

·       Focusing on flaws

·       Unhelpful rules or expectations

·       Poor emotional regulation

·       Isolation

·       Comparison to others

·       Ignoring problems

·       Overindulgence

·       Emotional repression

·       Managing toxic relationships

·       Refusing to try

·       Hoping for a change without taking action

·       Approval seeking

·       Poor time management

·       Procrastination

·       Cynicism

·       Lack of self-control

·       Denying help

·       Lying to yourself

·       Martyrdom

·       Willful ignorance

·       Over-responsibility

·       Loose boundaries

·       Overachievement

·       Under-functioning

What self-sabotaging behaviors are familiar to you? Consider the impact these behaviors may have on your life and goals.


Understanding Self-Sabotage


Understanding Self-Sabotage:The Cyc1e